Last night Kenny and I took time off from vineyard work to enjoy a movie. The movie? "Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle". A classic comedy film, right up there with "Wayne's World" and "Dumb and Dumber".
It's funny, I can be a pretty serious person, and I don't enjoy sitcoms like "South Park" or "That 70s Show". But I can be seriously entertained by movies like "Airplane", "Blazing Saddles, and of course this latest and greatest. I've already seen it once, so I know I like it.
To get in the true spirit of the movie night, I head over to the City Market and pick up a 16 pack of white castles. No expense spared, I get the cheeseburgers.
Now the most important question, "What wine would go with white castle burgers?" There is only one place in town to properly pair white castles with a wine that can match the legendary taste. Cottonwood Liquors, the $2 grocery cart bin. Oh yeah!
As I approach the wine carts, I see a lady seriously stocking up her wine cellar. She asks me "Are there 10 or 12 bottles in a case?" A case! This lady is a serious drinker, she must know her stuff. So I ask......"What red wine do you like out of this red wine cart?"
She responds "Well, I only see the Merlot, but I really like the Dona Sol Cabernet Sauvignon." And she put another Merlot in her case box. There it is! I see it! Her recommendation! She and I reach for it at the same time, but I was just a little quicker with the flick of my right wrist.
I quickly bring the bottle up to the cashier before trouble starts. This Dona Sol 2007 Cab Sav from Sonoma, CA has a funky label. I like it and I .....don't like it. It's got a Medusa looking person in black kinda floating against a gold label. But for $3.99 a bottle, here goes.
Well, what'd ya know? We've got another winner, ladies and gentlemen! The wine has a nice berry flavor, with a solid amount of tannins, a bit of smoke, and a hint of kiwi. Just making that kiwi stuff up...no kiwi. It tastes good. A little tangy when first opened, but quickly mellows out.
We devoured that whole bottle AND all the white castles. The white castle burger onions tasted scrumpcious with the Cab Sav. They tasted smooth and beefy. Making the white castle burger experience along with the goofball movie a complete success.
And.....no hangover. An additional benefit.
Remember Imbibe and Enjoy!
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