Monday, February 10, 2014

Deviled Chicken

Last night or this morning, I had this dream.  And as usual, it made no sense as far as the logical sequence in time.

My dream was that I was witnessing this chicken, full regalia of brilliantly colored feathers, being slaughtered.  But not really I knew it was going to be slaughtered when it was grabbed by some energy. I didn't see it being killed.  And I didn't feel anything good or bad for it.  I knew it was part of a ritual.  I was in another area and didn't see the blood shed or hear anything.

Still in my dream but later, I see that same chicken, or the aura of that same chicken.  This time its feathers are dull colored and it has no tail.  In an otherworldly fashion, instead of typical hen eyes, its eyes are a bright white light.  It is alone with nothing in the landscape and standing in front of a doorway filled with white light.  There is nothing but that chicken and the doorway filled with light.

I am filled with terror.  The chicken is saying "Come with me through the light."  And I say quietly, "No you can't take me to hell. I am not going to where you are".  The chicken, moving towards the doorway says "Well, either way, you'll eventually be here".

In my dream I am feeling extreme terror.  I don't remember if I woke up or I dreamt it through, but it was very emotional and memorable.

Then later today I see a chicken, with no tail feathers, in our yard.  Our neighbor has chickens so not completely off base but still freaking weird.  The feathers have been pecked out by its chicken coop roomies.


Saturday, February 1, 2014

It's a Miracle?

So for all my miracle believing friends, I'd say this was a miracle.

Now it's New Year's Eve 2013.......

When I sleepily awoke in my hospital bed, I was happily dreaming in Spanish.  The nurse walked into the room and said "Good morning."  I responded in Spanish.  She looked at me puzzled and flipped into Spanish as well and asked me how I slept. "Muy bien."  As I became alert, I continued to speak to her in Spanish and we talked about my breakfast to come.  As she took my right arm to take a blood sample, she continued to speak in Spanish but as I became fully alert, I was no longer fluent in Spanish and could no longer understand all that she said without great effort.  I said "Sorry, I'm not fluent."  She looked at me puzzled again and flipped back to English.  As blood was draining from my body in a very controlled way, I was thinking "Whoa! This is cool what else can I do?"

Since the seizure, this is now one of the things I can do now that I couldn't do in the past two years or ever in some cases is:

I am now able to add, multiple and divide large numbers in my head.  So far I can multiple 3 numbers by 3 numbers without too much trouble.  I can add 6 digit numbers up to 4 in a row without thinking about it. Division is a little more complicated, so I can only divide 2 number up to 3 digits each.  I have never been able to do the division in my head before like I can now.  I can remember the number Pi up to 20 digits past the decimal point.  And remembering phone numbers, even the out of the country numbers, is a piece of cake.  You may think, what is the big deal......I can do that in my sleep.

The big deal is........after the stroke I had in 2012, I couldn't remember anything.  Adding 2 numbers together was an amazing feat.  Phone numbers?  Thank god for speed dial.