Well we were puttering along weeding here, and pulling there when all of sudden it happened.
Winter. The first frost. On October 1st the temperature went down to 30 degF and a horrible thing happened.
All of those beautiful green, succulent vine leaves turned brown. Like a yucky, mushy leafed brown. I opened up our curtains on the 2nd and said "Kenny you better see this."
It was a dreadful feeling. All that work. They're all dead? Wait a minute, wait a minute......what's up with the neighbor's vineyard? We can't be alone on this. I hope we're not alone on this. So we put on our bathrobes and sneakily went to the neighbor's vineyard to check to see if this was normal.
Well, their vineyard looked the same, thank god, and we can all say the season is over together. Which is very weird. First off, that's really early to get a frost the first day of October, second it is normally not so sudden.
Good thing for the neighbor's vineyard is that the frost doesn't hurt the grapes, it doesn't help them either. They're picking ASAP.
Remember imbibe and enjoy!
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