Hi everybody! I have to tell you about this fun wine we had the other day. Friends of ours came by bearing a bottle of wine. A marvelous gift idea for all friends wanting to have fun at KSquared Vineyards.
The wine is Fire Hydrant Red by Dog Tail Vineyards out of California. It's just plain funny. I buy wine because of the label all the time and this label is colorful, cute, and funny. Buy it for the label alone. The description on the back reads "Dog fanciers know it's all about good breeding. But sometimes your childhood best friend was just a mutt. You know a bit shaggy with mottled colors and a body that looked like you put together a German Shepard with a Basset Hound. And they never let you down. That's what you can expect from Dog Tail Red. It's got good breeding-varietals true to their character now mixed together to create a one-of-a-kind. Give it a try_you'll be in love for the rest of your life.

Here's what some experts said about it too from http://wine.appellationamerica.com/wine-reviews/1107/Dog-Tail-Vineyards-NV-Fire-Hydrant-Red.html
'Dog Tail Vineyards is the latest endeavor of the Kautz family, whose flagship operation is Ironstone Vineyards in Calaveras County. With this new brand the family decided to pay homage to the many family dogs that roam the vineyards, chasing squirrels and digging holes.
The Dog Tail wines are inexpensive, colorfully labeled and sell for between $8 and $12. While some wines are form single varietals and are vintage dated, this is one of the non-vintage blends. This entertainly named wine is finished with a twist-off screw cap and is geared towards existing wine drinkers looking for a fun wine, as well as towards those who might be turned off to formal labels and all the hoopla. It is daringly named- the connection between dog and fire hydrant might be off-putting to some folks.
Bright, lightly saturated ruby, and viscous, the wine has notes of plum, prune, blackberry preserves, vanilla, mocha, spice, stewed meat, bay leaf, wintergreen, and maple syrup. It is clean, medium bodied, rustic, and flavorful, like the inexpensive, food-friendly, quaffable, non-hangover producing wines one finds everywhere in Buenos Aires or Naples, Italy.'
The Dog Tail wines are inexpensive, colorfully labeled and sell for between $8 and $12. While some wines are form single varietals and are vintage dated, this is one of the non-vintage blends. This entertainly named wine is finished with a twist-off screw cap and is geared towards existing wine drinkers looking for a fun wine, as well as towards those who might be turned off to formal labels and all the hoopla. It is daringly named- the connection between dog and fire hydrant might be off-putting to some folks.
Bright, lightly saturated ruby, and viscous, the wine has notes of plum, prune, blackberry preserves, vanilla, mocha, spice, stewed meat, bay leaf, wintergreen, and maple syrup. It is clean, medium bodied, rustic, and flavorful, like the inexpensive, food-friendly, quaffable, non-hangover producing wines one finds everywhere in Buenos Aires or Naples, Italy.'
I did NOT taste that myriad of flavors but I did taste the berries and the stew meat. Yes! I did taste the stew meat! It's a table red made to be easily forgotten. This can be forgotten but why? It's so cute. And if you've have Ironstone Winery's "real" wine you know they made this taste like this on purpose. Good stuff.
Remember imbibe and enjoy!
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