The grapes (the photo is not our grapes, I just want to imagine it'll be our grapes someday) are growing and ripening as I write. Yeah!
We won't have a huge crop, but a crop none the less. And it gets even better.
When we went to the Colorado Mountain Winefest last year we tasted the wines and the wines that we liked we talked to the winery about buying our grapes. We figured that if we didn't like what they were doing to the current finished product, why would we want them to ruin our grapes too. Thus, we came up with about 4 wineries that we liked and they liked that we were growing Malbec. We really liked one winery in Denver because besides making good wine, they have a good marketing program. Key to selling more wine, and thus they need more grapes. Aha!
So we have this winery that want to buy our grapes. Whatever we can give them. That makes me way nervous......in a good way. What if something happens?
Maybe we'll have nothing after the birds pick everything off the vines. Maybe we'll have rot with "all" the rain and "cool" weather we've been having here. (Yes, you midwest people would be WAY jealous of the past couple of days) I'm having nightmares about being late to put the nets on the vines. I dream I get out there and they've picked away everything, even the leaves. (I definitely need a better sleep dream coordinator.)
But all that aside, I imagine we'll have something. Thus, we need something more than a firm handshake and a hardy pat on the back. We need a contract. I figured our local vintner and vintnerculturist organization would have a library of buying and selling contracts for every flavor under the sun. But no.
So off to the internet I search. There's contracts....kinda. There's no real template but then there's no actual grower's contract either. The information somewhat tells you what to do, but suggests this is only an example, not one that should be used in any legal environment. Now that lingo was written by a lawyer if ever I read one. Thus, it'll be an ask around process. Partially putting together what info I did gleam from the internet with the trials and tribulations from others in the same boat.
I think I need a drink. And this 2007 Blackstone Merlot from California is just the ticket. Priced at only $9.99, you can't go wrong. Drinking it along side a plate of lasagna (yum) or by itself, the wine can stand up to both challenges. It's hint of oak and light tannins are just right, and it's finish is smooth. It's spicy with a taste of berry but not jammy. We definitely need to buy another bottle.
Remember imbibe and enjoy!
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