Monday, May 24, 2010

Can't Get Away from the Farm

Yesterday was so marvelous! It started with searching for the right picnic food at the farmer's market at the Bastille area. The vendors were hawking everything from electronics to rose bushes. We picked up some cheese (goat and cow), spectacular sausage, cherries, tomatoes, avocado and of course, bread.

We met our friends at the Champs d'Elysses with picnic blanket in hand. They came with two bottles of wine. We were set. Cheese, sausage, tomatoes, bread....yum. The white peaches were the best.

Then it was off to the farm in the street. They brought hundreds of plants from the country to the city so the people who can't get out to see farms can see here. It was a surreal event seeing grape vines with the Arc d'Triomphe in the background. Pines, wheat, sunflowers, and hops. All kinds of plants grown here.

Then there was the products made by the farmers. There was turrade. A concoction of cheese, truffles, and mashed Champagne, wine, beer, oysters and mustard. All different kinds of mustard. I bought a jar of dijon mustard with green peppercorns for 3 euros. What a bargain!

The crowds were staggering. There's a great picture in the NY Times that shows the event and the crowds. Great crowds. But the crowds were pleasant. Happy to be enjoying the event. And so were we.

Today we are off to eat some croissants and an expresso. Then we're off to the Munch art exhibit. He's the artist who did the work "The Scream". And for lunch bread, cheese and a lovely glass of the Cote du Rhone.

Remember enjoy and imbibe.

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