Thursday, April 29, 2010

Let it snow, let it snow, let it sn.....oh no!

Yesterday the weather was beautiful. A little windy, but to be expected this time of year. For the past two weeks or so, the weather's been hovering around 70 during the day and 40s at night. Perfect. The vines are starting to bud out. Exciting.

Today is not so perfect. We woke up a layer of melting snow. Snow! Not good. It's snowing, sleeting right now. I think sleet is worse because not only does it freeze the bud, it blugeons it to death from the heavens.

The snow is never any good this time of year but the cold temperature makes it worse. The snow keeps the air relatively warm but if it stops and night comes (and it always comes), we'll have a freeze on our hands. Then we'll wake up to limp, mushy, lifeless buds. And we'll have to start all over.

The orchards folks do have those windmills in their fields just for such an event. Maybe they'll get them going next door to us and we'll benefit from them heating the air with the fans. This one in the photo automatically starts so we may hear it tonight. It always startles me. The sound of the blades through the air sounds like the opening scene from Apocalypse Now.

We'll see. Patience is a virtue? Patience is a virtue. Patience is a virtue. Keep repeating.

I think this calls for something a little stronger. A nice 20-year Taylor Fladgate tawny port is just what the doctor ordered and of course pieces of Lindt dark chocolate. Yum.

Remember.....imbibe and enjoy.